1976年10月生,博士,bet体育365投注官网三级教授,博士生/硕士生导师;E-mail: chenjianye@scau.edu.cn,手机:13533981220。先后主持国家自然科学基金项目4项,科技部973和十二五科技支撑计划子课题2项和广州市科学研究计划重点项目1项。近五年在国内外核心期刊上发表研究论文46篇,其中被SCI收录37篇(通讯作者和第一作者15篇),影响因子5.0以上的6篇;作为通讯作者和第一作者的论文发表在Journal of Pineal Research, Plant Journal, Plant Cell and Environment,Journal of Experimental Botany,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry和Postharvest Biology and Technology等国际期刊上;尤其长期从事果蔬成熟衰老及逆境调控的研究,在香蕉果实成熟及冷害调控机制,菜心叶片衰老调控机制等方面的研究处于国内领先水平,在国际上也有广泛的影响。
New Phytologist、Plant Journal和Plant Biotechnology Journal 等SCI杂志审稿人
1. 果蔬采后成熟衰老及调控的分子机理
2. 果蔬采后抗逆性的分子机理
3. 果蔬冷链物流保鲜技术研发
1. 广州市科学研究计划重点项目专题“火龙果果实糖酸代谢与调控的生物学基础”(2019-03-02-06-3007-0003);2019.4-2022.3;200万,主持,在研;
2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目“冷害影响采后香蕉果实成熟和品质形成过程中MYB转录因子的调控网络解析”(31830071);2019.1-2023.12;284万;主要参加,在研;
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“NAC转录因子参与植物激素GA和ABA交互调控的菜心叶片衰老的机制解析”(31671897);2017.1-2020.12;63万元,主持,在研;
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“香蕉泛素连接酶E3介导的泛素化修饰调控果实成熟的机制研究”(31372111);2014.1-2017.12;85万元,主持,结题;
5. 科技部973子课题“果实细胞壁降解的调控机制研究”(2013CB127104);2015.1-2017.8; 37.2万元,主持,结题。
1. 海南省科技进步一等奖:香蕉果品质量劣变与控制。2017年(排名第3)。
Tan XL, Fan ZQ, Kuang JF, Lu WJ, Reiter RJ, Lakshmanan P, Su XG, Zhou J, Chen JY*, Shan W*. 2019. Melatonin delays leaf senescence of Chinese flowering cabbage by suppressing ABFs-mediated abscisic acid biosynthesis and chlorophyll degradation. Journal of Pineal Research, 67:e12570.
Fan ZQ, Ba LJ1, Shan W1, Xiao YY1, Lu WJ1, Kuang JF*, Chen JY*. 2018. A banana R2R3-MYB transcription factor MaMYB3 is involved in fruit ripening through modulation of starch degradation by repressing starch degradation-related genes and MabHLH6. The Plant Journal, 96:1191-1205.
Fan ZQ, Tan XL, Chen JW, Liu ZL, Kuang JF, Lu WJ, Shan W*, Chen JY*. 2018. BrNAC055, a novel transcriptional activator, regulates leaf senescence in Chinese flowering cabbage by modulating reactive oxygen species production and chlorophyll degradation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66:9399-9408.
Tan XL, Fan ZQ, Shan W, Yin XR, Kuang JF, Lu WJ, Chen JY*. 2018. Association of BrERF72 with methyl jasmonate-induced leaf senescence of Chinese flowering cabbage through activating JA biosynthesis-related genes. Horticulture Research, 5:22.
Fan ZQ, Tan XL, Shan W, Kuang JF, Lu WJ, Chen JY*. 2018. Characterization of a transcriptional regulator, BrWRKY6, associated with gibberellin-suppressed leaf senescence of Chinese flowering cabbage. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66:1791-1799.
Cheng MN, Huang ZJ, Hua QZ, Shan W, Kuang JF, Lu WJ, Qin YH, Chen JY*. 2017. The WRKY transcription factor HpWRKY44 regulates CytP450-like1 expression in red pitaya fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus). Horticulture Research, 4:17039.
Luo DL, Ba LJ, Shan W, Kuang JF, Lu WJ, Chen JY*. 2017. Involvement of WRKY transcription factors in abscisic-acid-induced cold tolerance of banana fruit. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 65:3627-3635.
Fan ZQ, Tan XL, Shan W, Kuang JF, Lu WJ, Chen JY*. 2017. BrWRKY65, a WRKY transcription factor, is involved in regulating three leaf senescence-associated genes in Chinese flowering cabbage. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18: pii: E1228.
Ye YJ, Xiao YY, Han YC, Shan W, Fan ZQ, Xu QG, Kuang JF, Lu WJ, Lakshmanan P, Chen JY*. 2016. Banana fruit VQ motif-containing protein5 represses cold-responsive transcription factor MaWRKY26 involved in the regulation of JA biosynthetic genes. Scientific Reports, 6:23632.
Fan ZQ, Kuang JF, Fu CC, Shan W, Han YC, Xiao YY, Ye YJ, Lu WJ, Lakshmanan P, Duan XW, Chen JY*. 2016. The Banana Transcriptional Repressor MaDEAR1 Negatively Regulates Cell Wall-Modifying Genes Involved in Fruit Ripening. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7:1021.
Shan W, Kuang JF, Lu WJ, Chen JY*. 2014. A banana fruit NAC transcription factor MaNAC1 is a direct target of 1 MaICE1 and involved in cold stress through interacting with MaCBF1. Plant Cell and Environment, 37:2116-2127.
Peng HH, Shan W, Kuang JF, Lu WJ, Chen JY*. 2013. Molecular characterization of cold-responsive basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors MabHLHs that interact with MaICE1 in banana fruit. Planta, 238:937-953.
Zhao ML, Wang JN, Shan W, Fan JG, Kuang JF, Wu KQ, Li XP, Chen WX, Chen JY*, Lu WJ*. 2013. Induction of jasmonate signaling regulators MaMYC2s and their interaction with an inducer of CBF cold-responsive pathway in methyl jasmonate-induced banana fruit chilling tolerance. Plant Cell and Environment, 36:30-51.
Tang Y, Kuang JF, Wang FY, Chen L, Hong KQ, Xiao YY, Xie H, Lu WJ, Chen JY*. 2013. Molecular characterization of PR and WRKY genes during SA- and MeJA-induced resistance against Colletotrichummusae in banana fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 79:62-68.
Shan W, Kuang JF, Chen L, Xie H, Peng HH, Xiao YY, Li XP, Chen WX, Chen JY*, Lu WJ*. 2012. Molecular characterization of banana NAC transcription factors and their interactions with ethylene signaling component EIL during fruit ripening. Journal of Experimental Botany, 14:5171-5187.